Origami Book Making
Grades PK-8
This program is available in-person, in-school OR at the Book Arts site as a field trip. Field Trip includes a tour of our galleries, artisan shop and artmaking studios. In this workshop, students will learn about the book arts in a broad sense and then focus on bookmaking. We'll cover different parts of a book, and the question: What makes a book, a book? Students will use hand-printed pieces from the Book Arts collection and specialty bookmaking tools to fold a book. Book methods vary depending on age/interest, possibilities include origami dragon book (3rd-8th), origami accordion book (PK-5th), and origami blizzard book (6th-12th).
Handstitched Book Binding
Grades 3-12
This program is available in-person, in-school OR at the Book Arts site as a field trip. Field Trip includes a tour of our galleries, artisan shop and artmaking studios. In this workshop, students will learn about the book arts in a broad sense and then focus on bookmaking. We'll cover different parts of a book, and the question: What makes a book, a book? Students will use hand-printed pieces from the Book Arts collection and specialty binding tools to sew a book.

Printed & Bound Books
Grades 3-12
This program is available in-person, in-school OR at the Book Arts site as a field trip. Field Trip includes a tour of our galleries, artisan shop and artmaking studios. In this workshop, students will learn about the book arts in a broad sense and then focus on both printmaking AND bookmaking. We will learn about the process of screen or letterpress printing to hand-print a custom cover for our book. Once the covers are printed, we'll cover different parts of a book and the question: What makes a book a book? Students will use specialty bookmaking tools to create a book with a custom cover. Book methods vary depending on age/interest; possibilities include origami accordion books (3-5th) and hand-stitched books (6th-12th).

Letterpress Printing
Grades 3-12
This program is available in person at the Book Arts site as a field trip. Field Trip includes a tour of our galleries, artisan shop and artmaking studios. In this workshop, students will learn about the book arts in a broad sense and then focus on the art of letterpress printing. We’ll learn about the history and process of this antique printing method, learning how books used to be printed….words set by hand, letter by letter!…and how artists at Book Arts innovate the process today. Students will operate a press from the 1930s to handprint a poster to take home, customized by your group.

Screen Printing
Grades 3-12
This program is available in person at the Book Arts site as a field trip and in school. Field Trip includes a tour of our galleries, artisan shop and artmaking studios. In this workshop, students will learn about the book arts in a broad sense and then focus on the art of screen printing. We’ll learn about the history and process of screen printing and how artists at Book Arts innovate the process today to make a variety of hand-printed goods. Students will operate a specialty press with a custom design for your group. Prints can be made as posters, t-shirts or tote bags.