The Book as a Work of Art
Grades 3-12
Did you know a book can be a work of art? Students in this program will explore the possibilities of using handmade books to express their ideas. We will learn a brief history of the book, the terms, and tools used to make them, and the different structures; by creating 2-3 sample books, such as the concertina or accordion book. For the final project, each student will make a 6-inch by 9-inch journal. They will use the same techniques the Roycrofters did in making their magazine The Philistine, bound in faux leather. Students can use the journal for additional projects in class or on their own.
Roycroft Campus Tour
Grades 3-12
Students and teachers will participate in a one hour tour of the Roycroft Campus, the birthplace of the American Arts and Crafts Movement, and a National Historic Landmark. The docent-led tour will consist of historical information on Elbert Hubbard, the Arts and Crafts Movement in general, and the Roycroft Artisans and Campus. Interior and exterior architectural spaces will be explored in a variety of buildings on the Campus, as well as original and current Roycroft artwork.